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Class 3

Welcome to Class Three!

Your teacher is: Mrs Christmas

Your TA is: Mrs Smith

Our Classroom

Our Curriculum


Class 3 Information 2024-25


Our doors open at 8.35am and close at 8.45am. If you arrive after 8.45am, please take your child to the office to sign them in. If you are interested in Breakfast Club or Little Owls after School Club please contact the office.

Daily Requirements

  • Book bags needs to be brought into school every day. It should contain your child’s pupil planner, reading book & reading record. Please check your child’s planner regularly as this will contain messages or important information for the week.
  • A named coat – please ensure that your child has a named waterproof coat every day. Our weather is unpredictable and we always like them to get outside if possible.
  • Water – please make sure that your child brings in a named water bottle every day.
  • Snacks - children may bring in healthy snack to eat at break time. No chocolate, biscuits, crisps or nuts please.


  • We have 2 weekly sessions. This term, we will have PE on Thursdays and Fridays. Children come into school on these days dressed for P.E.
  • Earrings & watches should be removed for P.E lessons. If they cannot remove their earrings, these will need to be taped over – please provide your child with tape & show them how to cover them.


  • This year we will be using ‘pick & mix’ homework. Children can choose activities to complete whenever suits them and their family. If children can think of any other creative ways to enhance their learning about our topics they are welcome to share these to earn more stars!
  • Children can bring their homework in if they would like to, or it can be shared with us through Seesaw.
  • Please spend 15 minutes daily reading (or at least 5 pages) with your child. This is the most important skill that your child will develop in Class 3 – it supports everything else that we do. Most children in Year 3 will have developed their basic reading skills by now, and time should be spent with them checking and developing their comprehension skills. Please discuss what you have read with them and ask them questions to help develop these skills. See the ‘Reading Guidance For Year 3’ for lots of excellent examples of the type of questions you could ask.
  • Weekly spellings will be recorded in your child’s pupil planner.
  • To improve your child’s maths skills, time should be spent each week learning and practicing times tables, as well as general mental maths skills. See links below for ideas.
  • Telling the time is also a useful skill to practice at home, this could include converting between digital and analogue times, the 24 hour clock and finding durations of time.

General Advice:

  • Please label everything with your child’s name – coat, lunchbox, book bag, uniform, water bottle & all items in their P.E kit.
  • Please let us know of any personal or medical issues that may affect your child at school. Please arrange an appointment to see me if you have any concerns.

We will endeavour to keep you informed of what’s going on through the use of Pupil Planners, but will also work with the class representatives to update you on things.

Homework - Pick and Mix