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Breakfast Club

Come and join our Breakfast Club!

Breakfast club is run by school staff and is open to all of our pupils in all year groups. This club runs from 8.00 am until 8:45 am.

Children will be offered a cereal bar and a piece of fruit. If your child would like a drink, please can they use their usual water bottle bought in from home each day.

Games will be board games, construction activities and craft activities.

The cost is £4 per session on a regular basis. Ad hoc sessions can be booked at the cost of £5 per session. Please contact the school office should you wish to book this

The club is run by Mrs Arnold, Mrs Gawley and Mr du Toit.

If you are interested in a place please contact the school office

Please note that if the school is forced to close due to severe weather the Breakfast Club will not operate.