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Class 5

Welcome to Class 5!

Teacher: Mrs. K. Jones

Teaching Assistant: Mrs J. Falcon-Uff


Hello and a very warm welcome to Class 5.

I look forward to our year ahead together and hope that the children's time in Class 5 will be a fun and happy time.

Useful information for Class 5:


Homework will be set each Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday.

Homework will include spelling words to learn and write into full sentences, an arithmetic activity and a short reading comprehension.

In addition to set homework, we ask that you hear your child read daily and encourage them to develop their rapid recall of times table facts. Both are key skills which will support your child's learning across the curriculum.

Homework Club will be running on a Monday lunchtime to offer any additional support needed. All children are welcome to attend as required.


Our weekly PE sessions are on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. On these days children are welcome to attend school in their PE Kits.

Termly Overview

Each term an overview of the curriculum will be added to this page. If you have any questions or queries, please do let me know.

Finally, if you have any concerns or worries, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We have an open-door policy, and we are always happy to help.

Many thanks,

Mrs Jones

Termly Curriculum Overviews

Weekly Timetable

Long Term Plan

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Our Classroom