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Literacy Tree is a complete, book-based platform for primary schools that covers all requirements of the Primary English curriculum. It can be used as a complete scheme of work or adopted and adapted to suit the needs of your school, academy or trust.

The books we choose help children to grow ideas and expand their minds. We only choose significant and important children's literature to create our book-based resources.

It starts at the roots. We provide book-based planning sequences, Writing Roots, which embed complete curriculum coverage and engage children to write with clear audience and purpose. Our Teach Through a Text pedagogy is the backbone of each sequence.

We sow a seed with Spelling Seeds. We provide a sequence for teaching spelling and vocabulary in context, through investigation and at the point of application. Spelling Seeds complement Writing Roots and use the same texts to provide further short writing opportunities.

We grow literary knowledge through Literary LeavesWe provide a range of sequenced activities that take children through whole books to teach reading comprehension and create critical readers. Literary Leaves use novels, poetry collections and high-quality, non-fiction books that connect to the Writing Roots through Literary Themes.

We branch out to homes through Home Learning Branches which cover some of our favourite texts and contain writing, reading comprehension, spelling, vocabulary and further reading opportunities. Many schools use these for homework.


Literary Themes are the tree canopy; providing an overarching structure that allows children to make deeper connections through subjects and themes. These appear on the Curriculum Maps for each year group as well as mixed-age years.